Orhtotic insoles can be specially made to fit the shape of your feet and help provide comfort and support, also the orthotics can help to correct the feet's position. This can particularly help to prevent such problems as plantar fasciitis and stop heel and foot pain as well.
Many orthotic insoles have got arch supports that are specially designed to fit under the plantar fascia and provide the support the plantar fascia needs. Sports people use orthotics even if they do not have problems with foot pain as they use them to help prevent future problems as being a athlete increases your risk of such problems. Furthermore being overweight can also increase your risk of getting problems associated with your feet for the extra weight puts more strain on the arch and foot as a whole.
You don't have to buy custom made orthotic insoles as they can be quite expensive instead you can buy off the shelf ones that work just as well!
Start as early as possible
Rheumatoid arthritis
As in many diseases if treatment is started early, it is more likely to limit the risk of aggravation and the risk of joint damage in the medium term.Information about the disease
Health professionals involved in the management of the disease must obtain, explain, take the time to reassure patients who discover that they have a rheumatoid arthritis, essential elements to optimize the support and the effectiveness of treatments.
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment includes the association of several treatments:
Drug treatments
Local treatments
Psychological support
Functional rehabilitation
Surgical interventions for some people
Professionals involved
Many health professionals will participate in support for the disease.
the physician rheumatologist
the general practitioner
the nurse
the physiotherapist
functional rehabilitation doctor
the orthopedic surgeon
the occupational therapist
The psychologist or psychiatrist
the social worker,
Drug treatment
Symptomatic drug treatment
Symptomatic drug treatments to relieve pain and inflammation.
The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (drugs NSAIDs)
Substantive drug treatment
Different background treatments are involved in the fight against the disease.
The metotrexate
Gold salts
Antimalarial drug synthesis
Immunosuppressive drugs
Local treatments
Local treatments are sometimes offered:
Assessors puncture at the level of a joint
Infiltration of corticosteroids
Synoviorthese: A synoviorthese is injected into the joint product, chemical or radioactive, to destroy the epaissisment of the synovial membrane of the inflammatory manifestations.
The Arthroscopic, technical synoviectomie to withdraw, part or fully, of the synovial membrane of the joint.
Psychological approach
The discovery of a chronic disease often represents a genuine shock at the announcement of the diagnosis. Live with a rheumatoid arthritis requires many renunciations and the acceptance of a new way of life. Psychological assistance enables to learn better living with the disease
Functional rehabilitation
Functional rehabilitation is an integral part of the treatment of the disease. Occupational therapy, physiotherapy and equipment allow you to decrease the risk of aggravation and the appearance of deformations and participate to the maintains muscle strength in battling the stiffening.
Symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis begins in general by inflammation of at least 4 joints.
Specific pain of inflammatory type: night alarm clock, morning stiffness extending more than 30 minutes
Joint stiffness
Swelling of the joint
Clinical diagnosis
the clinical diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is made on these criteria:
Morning stiffness greater than 30 minutes
Evolution of the symptoms longer than 6 weeks
Arthritis of at least 3 joints affecting wrists or the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal the proximal of the hands
Pain to the pressure of the metacarpophalangeal
Symmetric impairment
Insidious developments
The evolution of rheumatoid arthritis is gradual, insidious and chronic
Small joints
The small joints of the wrists, ankles, hands and feet are particularly affected.
Other joints affected
All joints can be reached during the course of the disease, those of the knees, elbows, shoulders, hips and temporo-mandibular joints. The dorso-lumbar spine is not affected. The cervical spine can be reached
Bilateral and symmetrical
The affected joints are usually bilateral and symmetrical.
Inflammation of the tendons
Presence of a inflammation of muscle tendons
Rheumatoid nodules
Appear also from nodules on the skin, known as rheumatoid nodules
These nodules sit on the face of extension of the fingers or Achilles tendon
These nodules are specific to rheumatoid arthritis, are not always present and appear late.
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammatory rheumatism well-known for making many people disabled.
In a September 2007 report, offers a number of professional recommendations to diagnose and treat this condition.
The diagnosis
Rheumatoid arthritis can become disabling, that is why it is necessary to diagnose as soon as possible to undertake a substantive treatment quickly.In its recommendations, HAS set out several simple criteria to evoke a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis:
Stiffness morning > 30 minutes
> 6 Weeks symptoms evolution duration
Arthritis of at least 3 joints affecting wrists or the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal the proximal of the hands
Pain to the pressure of the metacarpophalangeal
Symmetric impairment
If these criteria are met, the physician should then, and this from the first consultation, prescribe examinations for diagnosis. According the HAS, these exams are:
a review of imaging to search for erosion or joint pinch (X-rays of the hands and wrists from the front, feet from the front and 3/4 in size (1/1) and any symptomatic articulation),.
a biological assessment (factor Rheumatoid IgM, CCP, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, protein C reactive (CRP)),
a differential diagnosis: minimum explorations (serum creatinine, blood, urinary test strip, antinuclear antibodies, chest X-ray).
The treatment
Drug treatment
Treatment differs depending on whether it is active without signs of severity or active and severe rheumatoid arthritis for at the outset.
Non-drug treatments
Non-drug treatments should be also considered (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Podiatry, psychological follow-up...).
In its recommended that "the practice of physical activities in addition to drug treatment should be considered systematically, and not only after surgery.
The doctor promotes the implementation of therapeutic education of the patient. He proposes a social and professional support custom.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, also known as PR, is a chronic inflammatory rheumatism.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic joint disease: it causes inflammation of the synovium, membrane that lines the inside of the cavity joint and which function is to lubricate the joint by secreting a joint fluid.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatism resulting in a progressive joint destruction causing psychological, social and professional repercussions sometimes very disabling.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common inflammatory rheumatism and affects 0.3 to 0.5% of the French population.
It is also the most severe rheumatism.
Drug treatments for rheumatoid arthritis
Symptomatic drug treatments to relieve pain and inflammation of rheumatoid polyarthritr.
The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (drugs NSAIDs)
Background treatments
The purpose of these treatments is to obtain a remission (and non-healing), to control pain, to preserve hope and quality of life, reduce the side effects of treatment
Different background treatments are involved in the fight against the disease.
The metotrexate
Gold salts
Antimalarial drug synthesis
Immunosuppressive drugs
The functional rehabilitation
What are orthotics?
Orthotics are devices for correction or compensation of a deficient function, the prevention of deformation or the increase in the yield of a member.
Orthotics can be used early during the Rheumatoid disease.
Orthotics is a removable device that turns a few hours or during a night or be removed.
Made by occupational therapists
Occupational therapists fabricate custom Orthotics
Which joints are involved?
The knees, hands, feet and ankles can benefit from the fitting of Orthotics.
Foot orthotics are assimilated to orthopedic soles to relieve the pain of the toes.
Indications of Orthotics
Decrease of pain
Temporary immobilization of joints during rest periods.
Fixed some deformations.
Stabilization of the joints destroyed during certain activities.
Orthotics to better measure
Custom-made orthoses are better suited than orthotics that are manufactured in batches.
The rest Orthotics
Orthotics of rest decreases pain and joint inflammation by holding joint reached during the night and during rest phases, a few hours at most, during the day.
Function Orthotics
Function Orthotics facilitate movements by stabilizing the joint efforts
For example, wrist orthoses stabilize the wrist and facilitate activities using the wrist as the ironing or the practice of some sports...
The orthotics and orthopedic footwear
Foot orthotics and orthopedic footwear to improve the market.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
0 commentsNutrigenetics the future of nutrition
Nutrigenetics could one day lead to reconsideration of dietary recommendations to adapt them to the needs of each of us.
How to stay healthy? Rule # 1: adopt a balanced diet. Monitor its supply of vitamins and minerals to avoid deficiencies and be sure not to Miss essential nutrients to the proper functioning of his body.
The birth of predictive medicine
The Nutrigenetics is the so-called preventive medicine, a concept the Nobel Prize of medicine Jean Dausset in 1980: "for centuries medicine tried to treat and today its ultimate goal is to prevent rather than cure. But to prevent, it is necessary to predict; This is why predictive medicine, first stage of preventive medicine, is born.
Problem: the optimal diet is not the same for everyone. The diet that suits your neighbor is not necessarily suitable for your organization. Because we do not all have the same genetic profile, we do not all have the same metabolism nor the same dietary needs. This is the principle of the Nutrigenetics. Nutrigenetics may help prevent: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and high cholesterol.
We are all the result of interactions between genes and environment, explains Dr. Helena Baranova, organizer in France of the first inter-university degree of Predictive Medicine. The goal is to adapt to better the environment of each genetic susceptibilities that there is behind". That fall well: programme international human genome sequencing was completed successfully in 2003 and identified nearly 30,000 genes. "By knowing your genetic profile, you can discover the metabolic feature of your organization and adapt your environment and therefore your diet accordingly, explains the specialist. It's smart prevention.
Genetics is an amazing tool in the concept of personalized prevention, provided you apprehend correctly. "It is essential to differentiate genetics used in predictive medicine of the received ideas that people have on this discipline," says Dr. Baranova. According to researcher genetic analyses are often synonymous with disease in the mind of the public. "It absolutely distinguish the logic of monogenic diseases of personalized prevention." A monogenic disease is a disease linked to a single gene. This is for example the case of cystic fibrosis: If you are carrying two copies of the gene for this disease, then you'll be inevitably achieved cystic fibrosis. But prevention approach is totally different. To start not working on isolated genes but on combinations of genes that need to systematically analyze the interactions. Furthermore we work on diseases induced by the environment, which explains that it does not speak of absolute risk or diagnosis. We speak rather of predictive tests and risk related so always flexible. "Moreover in consultation we try to banish the 'risk' and 'predisposition' terms patients can too easily perceive as inevitable.
This genetic tool is inextricably linked to an analysis of the way of life of the patient and his environment. "Besides the fact to detect a gene for susceptibility to disease in a patient does absolutely not mean that will develop the disease", said the specialist. It just means that it is a possibility, but if it takes into account in a personalized and comprehensive support, can adapt the environment to avoid sometimes claimed this disease".
Sunday, 7 April 2013
0 commentsCrohn's disease, symptoms causes and what doctors know about this disease
Crohn's disease is named after the doctor Burrill b. Crohn of New York, which, together with colleagues in 1932 gave a description of the disease.
The disease occurs as a process in the intestinal wall. A larger or smaller piece of intestine raises up,which it will be thickened with heavy redness of the intestinal surface and with cuts and wounds on the inside. That can later be left as scarring, which shrinks and narrows the intestine.
In 2/3 of cases the disease is in the lower part of the small intestine, just before it leads into the large intestine. It was thought initially that the disease was limited to this, but later it has been shown that the disease can be anywhere in the digestive tract. Sometimes it is in several places. Most often, however, there is talk about a limited distribution (under 1/2 meter bowel)-in approximately 1/3 of the cases is the disease of the colon and/or rectum. The disease is contagious.
The disease has a certain, albeit not particularly outspoken heredity. We know that several members of the same family may have the disease. Approximately 10% of patients have yet another case of the disease in its family This suggests that some families may be predisposed to get the disease.
Approximately 250 people in Denmark each year are diagnosed with Crohn's disease for the first time. This corresponds to approx. 5 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year, and the disease over the last 30 years has been in constant increase.Half of the patients are between 15-25 years, when the disease starts. It breaks frequently into adolescence, but can occur both during childhood and far up in old age.
The disease is chronic, and it is estimated that today there are more than 6,000 people with Crohn's disease in denmark.
The cause of Crohn's disease remains unknown. In all regions on earth this disease can exist, although it is most common in urban areas with a high concentration of population. This has led scientists to believe the disease could be due to the presence of one or other environmental factor in areas with industrial and urban development. We do, however, have never been able to show the environmental factor that is involved in Crohn's disease.The possibility is, however, that a so-called "protective nutrient" can be disappeared out of the diet. From the declining consumption of fibre in the diet, that has occurred in the last lifetime. Over the last 40-50 years is our consumption of grain products approximately halved.
Another theory about the cause of Crohn's disease is caused by reduced defense mechanism against the usual bacteria. You could say that when bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is usually harmless, the cause is just the fact that the body itself is able to repel the bacteria's attempts to penetrate into tissues. This ability seems partly to be lost or may be decreased in patients with Crohn's disease. One can thus show that white blood cells, which usually stops this bacteria, in patients with Crohn's disease white blood cells may work slower.
A possible association with food allergy has been scientifically examined in many places in the world, but it has not been possible to establish a definitive link between certain foods and the prevalence of Crohn's disease. Our current knowledge of food affects Crohn's disease is quite limited. We have no basis for that, there is something special food, which induces disease. We have discussed whether patients with Crohn's disease have a higher consumption of sugars and, lower consumption of grain products than people without the disease.
Disease outbreaks can be very different. Many patients may suffer from longer period of time having weak symptoms with diarrhea and abdominal pain. In periods bouts of mild fever, and pain at the bottom of the right side of the abdomen. In some cases, with blood in the stool. Poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, poor general condition, skin rash (knot rose) and eye inflammation.Sometimes there may develop boils and so-called fistulas between the intestines and organs or on the skin. For all that applies it to seek medical advice as early as possible.
What you can do
Seek medical advice if you have persistent diarrhea and be sure to be in regular check-ups and treatment, if identified as Crohn's disease.
In some cases, where there is a narrowing in the intestinal system, it may be necessary to avoid indigestible foods such as. raw fruits and vegetables. In General, it is important to consume a full diet to ensure the best possible conditions for the body's defense mechanism.
If tissue samples did not give clear answers, it is difficult to distinguish between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Sometimes diagnosis is made only after that operation is taken a bowel pieces for microscopic examination.Gradients
The disease has a very individual process. It is therefore difficult to draw parallels from one case to another, and one must almost always "tailor" treatment to indivduals. It is important to achieve a relationship of trust between patient and doctor, so that the patient can always contact if unexpected problems arise. Since we are talking about a chronic illness the problem is that one can never be sure if the disease flares up again. We therefore advise you to continue checking with the doctor.Crohn's disease can sit throughout the digestive tract, and it tends to settle one or more spots in the gut. Even after surgery with removal of the diseased bowel pieces can the disease after a number of years on new flare up.
We know of no treatment, either medical or surgical, which can cure Crohn's disease. This means that the medical treatment is to attenuate disease activity for long periods of time. Surgical treatment with the removal of the diseased bowel piece can give long asymptomatic periods.
Crohn's disease is chronic, but it does not mean that there will always be symptoms.
Some people with Crohn's disease have symptoms of their illness several times each year, while others may have years of free periods. There are also people, who always have symptoms from the disease.
There is no treatment, either medical or surgical, which can cure Crohn's disease. This means that the medical treatment is to attenuate disease activity for long periods of time. Surgical treatment with the removal of the diseased bowel piece can give long asymptomatic periods.In many cases, it is necessary to give supplements of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12, as the gut has a hard time admitting in sufficient quantities.
In addition, reference is made to a publication, such as the National Association for the control of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease has released, with mention of all the medicine types used by the two diseases with respect to efficacy and side effects.
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